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Ann BinghamFreeman, Man & Woman with Magenta, ink & acrylic mounted with bamboo, 50 x 43 in. Courtesy of Kristy Read
by Kat Ward
Artists Ann BinghamFreeman, Kerry Kugelman, Meriel Stern, and Jamie Sweetman are exhibiting at the Kellogg Gallery at Cal Poly through February 22nd.
BinghamFreeman states, “All my life experiences have pushed me into expressing myself through hands-on media: graphite, paint, steel, and anything else I can get my hands on that looks good to me.” She is a printmaker, painter, sculptor, and does ink on paper. Her approach is described as “earthy and primal” by VisualArtSource.
Kerry Kugelman‘s work is described by G. James Daichendt of ArtScene as “mysterious and otherworldly.” His pigments, inks, and mixed media works “suggest the cosmic,…microscopic bits of DNA or distant galleries.”
Daichendt writes that Meriel Stern‘s sculptures are “most engaging.” “Her wire and fiber forms resemble nests, pods, and other natural forms. However, the industrial materials seem at odds with the forms, which create an enjoyable juxtaposition.”
Jamie Sweetman teaches drawing and life drawing at USC, anatomy for artists at CSU Long Beach, is a MFA mentor and teaches printmaking at Azusa Pacific University, and does artist demonstrations and “Drawing Hour” at the J. Paul Getty Museum. He creates layered drawings with transparent papers. The images appear plant-like, but with a bit of human anatomy—growing in it, growing out of it, representative of roots and blood vessels, branches and bones? “Hers are bold, expansive, wall-sized works” (VisualArtSource).
Each artist utilizes organic processes in the creation of their works; curated by Quinton Beemiller.
Ann Bingham-Freeman, Kerry Kugelman, Meriel Stern, and Jamie Sweetman
Through Saturday, Feb. 22nd
Cal Poly Pomona, Kellogg Gallery, 3801 W. Temple Ave., Pomona 91768
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, noon-4 p.m.
Cost: free; parking, $5
For more info, visit