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Read about the project on the Cool Globes website.
About Cool Globes
Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet, is a public art exhibition designed to raise awareness of solutions to climate change. Cool Globes grew out of a commitment at the Clinton Global Initiative in 2005, and was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 2006. Since that time, Cool Globes premiered in Chicago and went on tour across the country from Washington DC to San Francisco, San Diego, Sundance, Los Angeles and Houston. In the fall of 2009, Cool Globes opened the first international exhibit in Copenhagen. We currently have globes on display at Science World in Vancouver, along Lake Leman in Geneva and throughout the streets of Marseilles. It is our hope that the millions of people who have experienced the exhibit, leave with a vast array of solutions to climate change, and with one clear message….we can solve this.
Preserve the Rainforests
Rainforests are the Earth’s oldest living ecosystems – and while they cover only about 6% of the Earth’s surface, rainforests contain more than half of the world’s plant and animal species. The destruction of the world’s rainforests is causing 20% of all of the global warming pollution in the world — about as much as all of the power plants, factories and vehicles in the United States every year. With the rainforests disappearing at a rate of some 1500 acres every hour, steps must be taken to reduce the losses. Governments should be encouraged to create large parks and reserves where logging and agribusiness are not permitted, and to protect indigenous peoples’ territories. As a consumer, shop consciously and support companies that make a commitment to safe environmental practices.
This globe illustrates the six eco-systems around the world through large scale paintings of vegetation, forests and mangroves. Many textures were used to create three dimensional effects and relief.
Title: Preserve Our Rainforests and Ecosystems
Artist: Sandie Bacon, Andrea Harris and Ann Bingham-Freeman